When you wake up for your morning shower, the last thing you want to worry about is whether you're about to get blasted by a jet of ice-cold water. If you're using an old storage-type water heater, this has always been a possibility. However, new efficiency standards are set to kick in April 15, 2015, and […]

The government gets a lot of grief for pushing regulations onto homeowners. While the new efficiency standards for storage water heaters may seem like they'll save you money by reducing the wasted energy from your home's water use, these newly mandated restrictions on insulation and energy efficiency could cause you more trouble than you might think.By […]

If you haven't heard yet, changes are coming to the home water heating market. The U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Office reported that new gas-fired storage water heaters in 2015 will need to be constructed in accordance with more restrictive standards. The DOE explained that this new efficiency benchmark will save […]

If you're interested in saving money on your water bill, it should go without saying that tankless water heaters are the safest bet. Instead of wasting money on obsolete storage heaters that waste energy and are liable to burst and flood your house with rusty water, tankless water heaters only use energy when you're in […]
Many homeowners aren't even aware of the fact that old water heaters pose more dangers than comforts to their houses. Water heaters with massive storage tanks might have been the pinnacle of home plumbing technology back in the day, but since then many would say they've jumped the shark from obsolete to dangerous.According to the Insurance […]