If you're like most homeowners in the U.S., you probably don't pay much attention to that old water heater chugging away in your basement. Sure, it's not the prettiest thing in the world, but if it manages to give you hot water when you need it, why should you bother worrying about it outside the […]

If you own a home, you know the feeling of dread when you open up the mailbox at the end of the month and find a fat stack of bills waiting there for you. While you might know ahead of time how much you need to shell out for cable and Internet, utility bills can fluctuate […]

Owning your first home can be more expensive than you ever thought. Between mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities and any renovations you have planned when you move in, what was a steal on the realty market may turn out to be a serious drain on your finances.With so many bills to pay, many homeowners choose […]

Whether you realize it or not, you put up with a million little annoyances every day. Maybe you sit in traffic on your way to and from work, or perhaps you spend hours pestering your kids so they get their chores and homework done. Whatever the reason, there are an infinite number of small things […]

While Hollywood may have given all of California a veneer of glitz and glamor, there's nothing decadent about the water shortage crisis the state is going through at the moment. According to the California Department of Water Resources, 26 counties and 10 cities, including the capital city of Sacramento, have had drought emergency plans put […]